Computer Graphics & Multimedia Lab
Computer graphics are pictures and films created using computers. Multimedia is content that uses a combination of different content forms such as text, audio, images, animations, video and interactive content.
Subject: Computer Graphics Lab
List of Programs
1) Digital Differential Analyzer Algorithm
2) Bresenham’s Line Drawing Algorithm
3) Midpoint Circle Generation Algorithm
4) Draw a smiling face using graphics
5) Draw a house using graphics
6) Two Dimensional Transformations: Translation and Rotation
7) Two Dimensional Transformations: Scaling and Reflection
8) Implementation of Point Clipping
9) Implementation of Line Clipping
10) Coloring the Pictures
11) Three Dimensional Transformations
12) Curve Generation
File Link :- Computer Graphics Lab
Subject: Programming Lab (CSE11001)
List of Programs
Write a C Program to display any text on the screen
Write a C Program to evaluate area of a circle
Write a C Program to convert any temperature in Celsius to its equivalent Fahrenheit temperature and vice versa
Write a C Program to find the average of 3 floating point numbers
Write a C Program to swap two numbers using third variable
Write a C Program to swap two numbers without using third variable
Write a C Program to convert a given no Of days into years, months, days.
Write a C Program to compute simple interest.
Write a C Program to find the largest among three nos.
Write a C Program to check whether a no. is even or odd.
Write a C Program to check whether a year is leap year or not
Write a C Program to compute Z=X+ Y++; Print X, Y, Z.
Write a C Program to compute x=++y; Print x, y
Write a C Program to evaluate k=i>>2,l=j<<2. Print k, l.
Write a C Program to evaluate bitwise AND (&) and bitwise OR (|)
Using ternary operator write a C Program to find out largest of three nos.
Write a C Program to calculate quadratic equation.
Write a C Program to find GCD(09) and LCM of two nos.
Write a C Program to find the sum of all integers greater than 100 and less than 200 that are divisible by 7. (Using FOR & IF)
Write a C Program to find the sum of the series: 1! +2! +3! +…+N! (Using WHILE)
Write a C Program to print the series of prime nos. (Using WHILE)
Write a C Program to print:
Write a C Program to print:
Write a C Program to print:
Write a C Program to print:
Write a C Program to print:
Write a C Program to evaluate Fibonacci Series
Write a C Program to evaluate series of Armstrong number.
Write a C Program to find out the sum of the series:
a) 12 + 32 + 52 + 72 + …… + n2
b) 1 – x +x2/2! – x3/3! +…
Write a recursive function to find the summation of 1st n natural nos. and test the function by calling from a main (). (03)
WCP to find the biggest and smallest of n numbers.(03)
WCP to find the frequency of digits in a set of n numbers. (03)
WCP to give the macro definition to find the max of two nos. (03)
WCP to arrange a set of n numbers in ascending (03) or descending order (04)
Using ternary operator write a macro to find out the absolute value of a no. (03)(05)
Write a function to find the cube of a number and use this to main to evaluate x3+y3+z3 (04)
WCP to print the diagonal of a matrix.(04)
Write a recursive C function to return the GCD of two nos. (05)
Sum of two matrices. (05)
Recursive C function to find the factorial of a no. (05)
Write a function to calculate the value of power (a, b).
Quadratic equation using function.
To count the no of 1s in a character byte and if it is even then set MSB 0 else set MSB to 1
To copy a string to another string
To insert data in link list in a sorted manner.
To count letter ‘E’ in a 10-letter word.
To find the length of a string without using strlen ().
To find the number of vowels & consonants in a line of text.
To convert lower case alphabet to upper case alphabet.
To accept a string as a command line argument hence find its length.
To check whether a input string is palindrome or not.
Copy a disk file into another using command line argument
To count the number of lines, words, characters in a given file.
To display the frequency of character in a given disk file
To create a file.
To copy file f1.dat as f2.dat assuming f1 is available in current working directory.
To create an array of 30 structure variables and read all the members of each variable.
Will receive a file name and a line of text as command line arguments and write the text to that file.
Subject: Computer Application Lab (ECS81101)
List of Programs
Microsoft word screen and Word Processing: File menu, edit menu, view menu, insert menu, format menu, tools menu table menu, alignment of text, applying fonts, working with wizards, size of text, font of the text, color of the text.
Microsoft Excel: Spreadsheets, file menu, edit menu, view menu, insert menu, format menu, tools menu, data menu, creating Workbook in Excel, copying formula, formats, etc.
Functions in Excel: Sum, average, function wizard, Date and time functions, logical functions.
Creating in Excel: Charts, tables, graphs, modifying chart, adding data to chart.
Microsoft PowerPoint: File menu, edit menu, view menu, insert menu, format menu, tools menu, slide show menu.
Text editing in Powerpoint: Moving text, superscript and subscript, orientation, formatting, etc.
Creating in PowerPoint: presentation by AutoContent Wizard, reordering slides, duplicating slides, deleting slides.
Animations in Powerpoint: Adding effects, adding animation, creating custom animation.
Latex Programming for writing articles
Basic documents: Document structure, Starting TeXworks.
Format menu: Line Numbers, Syntax Coloring, Typeset, pdfLaTeX.
Troubleshooting: Console output, Abort typesetting.
Creating in LaTex: Title, sections, report and book classes, labels, table of contents.
Typesetting Text: Font Effects, Colored Text, Font Sizes, Lists, Comments & Spacing, Special Characters.
Tables: left-aligned, right-aligned, centre-aligned, tabular.
Figures: Includegraphics, centering, caption, label, Graphics and plotting.
Equations: Inserting Equations, begin{equation}, end{equation}, {eqnarray}, {equation*}, {eqnarray*}.
Mathematical Symbols: Powers & Indices, Fractions, Roots, Sums & Integrals, Greek letters.
Styles: Plain, Abbrv, Unsrt, Alpha.
Bibliographic records and citation processing: Inserting references, BibTeX file.
Author-date citations: natbib [plainnat, abbrvnat and unsrtnat], citep{...}.
Basic commands in Linux: mkdir, touch, ls, pwd, cd, chmod, df, du, dd, adduser, sort, passwd, rm/rmdir, date, tar, gzip, top.
Editors: Vi Editor
GNU/LINUX OS: Installation.
Software Installation in Linux: RPM, make.
Write a program in python to print add of two numbers.
Write a program in python to find the addition & average of three float numbers.
Write a program in python to find the volume of a sphere with radius 6cm.
Write a program in python to find the area of a circle.
Write a program in python to compute simple Interest.
Write a program in Python to Swap two numbers without using third variable
Subject: Application of Machine Learning in Industries and Anomaly Detection Lab (CSE12057)
List of Programs
Program to load of a dataset in python and display it in structure form and generate a graphical plot taking age as a feature.
Implementation of clustering/classification algorithms in a data set loaded via sci-kit learn.
Implementation of clustering/classification algorithms in a data set loaded via OpenML
Implementation of Machine Learning steps in Python.
Implementation of outlier detection in python
Implementation of Anomaly Detection model on Time Series data in python.
Implementation of Anomaly Detection using PyCaret.
Implementation of Anomaly Detection using Isolation Forest.
Implementation of LOF in python.
Credit Card Fraud Detection using python.