Computer Network Lab

The Computer Networks Laboratory is designed for the undergraduate students to have the experiment related to the computer networks courses.

Subject: Object Oriented Programming with Java Lab (CSE22953)

List of Program

File Link :- Object Oriented Programming

Subject: IT Network Security Lab (CSE12075)

               List of Program

Subject: Computer Networks Lab (CSE12322)

               List of Program

IP address to class mapping,

IP address to binary conversion,


Subject: Operating System Lab (CSE12421)

               List of Program

 Write a shell program to display “Today’s date is” then today’s date and time and display “Numbers of users in the system” then output of who command

 Write a shell program to solve the Problem Number 3 with scanned values.

 Write a shell program to find the number of characters and lines in a particular file

 Write a shell program to find name of all the files starting with 's' and ending with 's'.

 Write a shell program to find the names of the files of a specific extension and also their contents (given by user).

 Write a shell program to find the greatest and smallest numbers among three numbers.

 Write a shell program to find the number of characters and lines present in all files in that directory (directory   name is supplied by user).

 Write a shell program to rename file without using 'mv' command. Filename is to be supplied by the user.

 Write a shell program to find the G.C.D of 2 numbers.

 Write a shell program to find the sum of digits of a number.

 Write a shell program to find the reverse of a number.

 Write a shell program to find whether a number is palindrome or not.

 Write a shell program to check whether a number is an Armstrong number or not.

 Write a shell program to find the summation of first n even and odd numbers and store then in 2 Write a shell   program different variables and print them separately

     a) Round Robin b) SJF c) FCFS d) Priority

 Write a shell program Compute y raised to power of x.

 Write a shell program Compute the quotient and remainder of a/b without using “/” and “%” operator. a and b are given by user.

 Write a shell program to check the default permission bit of a file and change the permission bits to new bits given by the user.

       a) Indexed b) Linked

     a) Single level directory b) Two level