Computer Network Lab
The Computer Networks Laboratory is designed for the undergraduate students to have the experiment related to the computer networks courses.
Subject: Object Oriented Programming with Java Lab (CSE22953)
List of Program
Write a program in Java to demonstrate Boolean value.
Print a string 10 times using a for loop.
Write a program in Java to evaluate a+b*c%d.
Write a program in Java to find the biggest element among three numbers using if else.
Write a program in Java to find the biggest element among three numbers using the ternary operator.
Write a program in Java to check the grade of marks using a switch case.
Write a program in Java to demonstrate dynamic initialization.
Write a program in Java to create a class and access all data members and methods using the object and compute the area and perimeter of a circle.
Write a program in Java to access member variables using the constructor.
Write a program in Java to multiply two matrices.
Write a program in Java to calculate the area of a rectangle using single inheritance.
Write a program in Java to demonstrate multilevel inheritance.
Write a program in Java to demonstrate hierarchical inheritance.
Write a program in Java to find the area and perimeter of a circle using an abstract class.
Write a program in Java to show that a private member of a class cannot be inherited.
Write a program in Java to find the volume of a box using this keyword.
Write a program in Java to find the average of three numbers using the method overloading
Write a program in Java to find average of three numbers using method overriding.
Create a class figure. Create two subclasses rectangle and triangle. Find the area of a rectangle and half the area of the rectangle using the reference of the figure.
Create an interface area. Find the area of a circle.
Write a program in Java to find the sum and average of three numbers using the super keyword.
Write a program in Java to find the volume of a box using constructor overloading.
Write a program in Java to demonstrate exception handling in case of variable/constant divided by zero.
Write a program in Java to implement multiple inheritance using the interface.
Write a program in Java to check if a given string is palindrome or not.
Write a program in Java for sorting a given list of strings in ascending order.
Write a program in Java to find the factorial of a number using the package.
Write a program in Java to import the package.
Write a program in Java to implement thread.
Write a Java program that creates 3 threads.
Write an Applet program in Java to print a string.
File Link :- Object Oriented Programming
Subject: IT Network Security Lab (CSE12075)
List of Program
Study the use of network reconnaissance tools like WHOIS, dig, traceroute, and nslookup to gather information about networks and domain registrars.
Study of packet sniffer tools like Wireshark, ethereal, tcpdump, etc. Use the tools to do the following
Observer performance in promiscuous as well as non-promiscous mode.
Show that packets can be traced based on different filters.
Download and install nmap. Use it with different options to scan open ports, perform OS fingerprinting, do a ping scan, tcp port scan, UDP port scan, etc.
Detect ARP spoofing using the open source tool ARPWATCH.
Use the Nessus tool to scan the network for vulnerabilities.
Implement a code to simulate a buffer overflow attack.
Set up IPSEC under LINUX.
Install IDS (e.g. SNORT) and study the logs.
Use of iptables in Linux to create firewalls.
Mini project
Subject: Computer Networks Lab (CSE12322)
List of Program
Familiarization with Networking Components and devices: LAN Adapters, Hubs, Switches, Routers etc. NIC Installation & Configuration (Windows/Linux).
Familiarization with Transmission media and Tools: Co-axial cable, UTP Cable, Crimping Tool, Connectors etc.
To configure the IP address for a computer connected to LAN and to configure network parameters of a web browser for the same computer.
Program to implement the following:
IP address to class mapping,
IP address to binary conversion,
To generate a virtual network using the concept of graph theory and Dijkstra Algorithm
Design and configure a simple network model, collect statistics and analyse network performance using Netsim software.
Configure a Network topology using packet tracer software.
Implementation and study of stop and wait protocol
Implementation and study of Go back-N and selective repeat protocols
Implementation of Data Link Layer Error Detection Mechanism (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
Implement the data link layer framing methods such as character, character stuffing and bit stuffing.
Configuring Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
Configuration of DNS server.
Implementation of Data encryption and decryption.
Subject: Operating System Lab (CSE12421)
List of Program
Basics of UNIX commands. (Directory, Grep, Calendar)
Write a shell program to store a message in a variable and display “Message of today is” then message.
Write a shell program to display “Today’s date is” then today’s date and time and display “Numbers of users in the system” then output of who command
Write a shell program to perform all four arithmetic calculations on two variables where the values in those variables are fixed.
Write a shell program to solve the Problem Number 3 with scanned values.
Write a shell program to find the number of characters and lines in a particular file
Write a shell program to find the name of all .c files and all .txt files.
Write a shell program to find name of all the files starting with 's' and ending with 's'.
Write a shell program to find the names of the files of a specific extension and also their contents (given by user).
Write a shell program to display the content of all .c files present in a directory (directory name is given by user).
Write a shell program to find the greatest and smallest numbers among three numbers.
Write a shell program to find the number of characters and lines present in all files in that directory (directory name is supplied by user).
Write a shell program to rename file without using 'mv' command. Filename is to be supplied by the user.
Write a shell program to find the factorial of a given number.
Write a shell program to find the G.C.D of 2 numbers.
Write a shell program to find the sum of digits of a number.
Write a shell program to find the reverse of a number.
Write a shell program to find the reverse of a number.
Write a shell program to find whether a number is palindrome or not.
Write a shell program to check whether a number is an Armstrong number or not.
Write a shell program to find the summation of first n even and odd numbers and store then in 2 Write a shell program different variables and print them separately
Implementation of CPU scheduling.
a) Round Robin b) SJF c) FCFS d) Priority
Write a shell program Compute Fibonacci series for n terms.
Write a shell program Compute y raised to power of x.
Write a shell program Compute the quotient and remainder of a/b without using “/” and “%” operator. a and b are given by user.
Write a shell program to check the default permission bit of a file and change the permission bits to new bits given by the user.
Implement all file allocation strategies
a) Indexed b) Linked
Implement Semaphores
Implement all File Organization Techniques
a) Single level directory b) Two level
Implement Shared memory and IPC
Implement Paging Technique of memory management.
Implement Threading & Synchronization Applications
Basic concepts of PIPE