Data Base Management System Lab

A database management system (DBMS) is computer application software that provides a way to manage data. The requirement of modern days is to have an automated system that manages, modifies and updates data accurately. This is achieved by a DBMS in robust, correct and non redundant way.

Subject : AIML (Part-1)

List of Programs

1) Write a python program to create and import different datasets and display them.

2) Write a python program to compute mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and variance.

3) Write a python program to reshape the data, filter the data merge the data, and handle the missing values in datasets 

4) Write a python program to find the correlation coefficient .

5) Write a python program to split the Training and Testing dataset using pandas.

6) Write a python program to implement simple linear regression and plot the graph.

7)Write a python program to implement logistic regression for the iris dataset using sklearn .

Subject: AIML (Part-2)

List of Programs

1)Write a python program to implement K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) algorithm. 

2)Write a python program to implement the K-Means clustering algorithm. 

3)Write a python program to implement the Decision Tree algorithm.

4)Write a python program to implement the naïve-bayes classifier algorithm. 

5)Write a python program to implement Support Vector Machine (SVM).

6)Write a python program to implement the various weight update methods of Artificial Neural Networks using CIFAR10/MNIST Dataset.

Subject : DBMS

OBJECTIVES: The course should enable the students to:

I. Implement the basic knowledge of SQL queries and relational algebra.

II. Construct database models for different database applications.

III. Apply normalization techniques for refining databases.
IV. Practice various triggers, procedures, and cursors using PL/SQL.

Course Outcomes:

Students get practical knowledge on designing and creating relational database systems. Understand various advanced query execution such as relational constraints, joins, set operations, aggregate functions, triggers views and embedded SQL.

   Subject: Algorithm

      List of Programs

1)Write a program in C to implement Individual Array Elements to a function in 1-D Array and 2-D Array.

2)Write a C Program to traverse an array using pointer.

3)Write a C Program to perform Linear Search and Binary Search with their time complexities.

4)Write a C Program to implement Stack Operations using Array.

5)Write a C Program to reverse a string using Stack operations.

6)Write a C Program to implement Queue using Array.

7)Write a menu driven C Program to implement Circular Queue.

8)Write a C Program to create a Single Linked List and display the contents of the linked list.

9)Write a C Program to insert a node in a Single Linked List having three cases: 

1.Insert at the beginning
2.Insert in an empty List
3.Insert at the end

10)Write a C Program to insert a node 

1.after a given node
2.before a given node a given position

11)Write a C Program to perform delete operation in a Single Linked List 

1.Deletion of first node
2.Deletion of the only node
3.Deletion in between the list

4.Deletion at the end

12)Write a C Program to implement a Doubly Linked List with Insert Operation at the beginning of the list, in an empty list, at the end of the list and in between the nodes.

13)Write a C program to perform delete operations in doubly linked list and write their time complexities.

14)Write a C Program to perform insert operation in a circular linked list with their time complexities.

15)Write a C Program to perform delete operation in a circular linked list.

16)Write a C program to traverse a binary tree in Pre order , In order and Post order in Recursive and iterative way.

17)Write an algorithm and C Program to implement search operation in B-Tree.

18)Write a C Program with algorithm to delete a key from a B-Tree.

19)Write a C Program to implement Insertion Sort and write its time complexity.

20)Write a C Program to implement Bubble Sort and write its time complexity.

21)Write a C Program and the algorithm of Quick Sort with its time complexities.

22)Write a C Program to implement Merge Sort and write its time complexities.

23)Write a C Program to implement Heap Sort with its algorithm and time complexities.

24)Write a C program to implement Selection Sort.

25)Write a C Program to traverse a directed graph and finding shortest distance and shortest path of any vertex from the starting vertex.

 Subject: PPL

Reference Books :

1. The C++ Programming Language, 3rd Edition, B. Stroutstrup, Pearson Education.

List of Programs

Subject : Programming & Data Structure (CSE11404) 

List of Programs

Part 1 

b)Write a program to read a character in upper case and then print it in lower case

a)      1 b)     1

12         22

123         333

1234                 4444

Part 2

Subject : Programming Lab (CSE11001) 

List of Programs






















            a) 12 + 32 + 52 + 72 + …… + n2

            b) 1 – x +x2/2! – x3/3! +…

Subject : Game Development – I Lab (CSE12433) 

List of Programs